
Trigonomic Fairy


Trigonomic Fairy is an artwork that animates the fluid transformations of equations built from trigonometric functions, portraying them as if they were living entities. As these equations shift and expand through four distinct patterns of manipulation, they form an ecosystem-like environment that envelops the fairy.

In this piece, the equations produce four parameters that determine the fairy’s movements. These parameters are visualized as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), making their structure visible. The same four parameters are also reflected in the size of the rectangle at the center of the artwork, serving as a focal element of the animation.

Within each cycle of transformation, mathematics and life mutually influence each other, creating a unique rhythm. Please enjoy witnessing this interplay.


Front view

Overview in BYOD2

きゃべ / Masaya Kurahashi
きゃべ / Masaya Kurahashi
Software Engineer, Product Manager